molester|molesters in English



one who sexually assaults, one who performs improper acts

Use "molester|molesters" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "molester|molesters" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "molester|molesters", or refer to the context using the word "molester|molesters" in the English Dictionary.

1. Remember, most molesters prefer easy targets.

2. He knows what happens to child molesters there.

3. 5 He'd been publicly labeled a child molester.

4. 29 A child molester, you say? Lead the way, good sir pimp!

5. So I'm the bad guy because I'm trying to protect our kids from child molesters and mercury?

6. Incompetent and negligent Abortionists, along with domineering boyfriends and sexual molesters, kill as many women each year as died of illegal abortions before Roe v

7. I get 500 bucks in rent, usually late, from cousins who want to frame me as a child molester or I pocket 60 large and call it a day.

8. Since child molesters often test how little ones respond to subtle sexual advances, a child should be taught to resist firmly and say, “I’m going to tell on you!”

9. Those skilled in the use of computers, both adults and children, can now transmit graphic pictures of lewd sex acts to other continents within seconds and converse with known sex offenders and child molesters who ask for names and addresses for clandestine rendezvous.